An attorney and paralegal will be assigned to your student loans case. Work will begin immediately and we will keep you informed of our progress. We do not waste time with form letters hoping a creditor responds. We will contact your student loan lender or loan servicer directly, and begin negotiating favorable terms that will restore your student loan account to good standing.

The lender, loan servicer and/or third-party debt collector will no longer contact you. Once you hire an attorney, the law states that creditors and their debt collectors must speak and deal only with your attorney. This means those annoying collection phone calls will end, and no more threatening letters will be sent to your home or business.

If you have garnishments or liens, we will quickly address them. If your student loan lender or loan servicer has filed a wage garnishment or bank account lien against you, we will immediately begin working to have it released. We will negotiate with the lender or loan servicer on your behalf to resolve the situation as soon as possible.

We will help you create an effective hardship letter. Our legal team will work with you to create a hardship letter that documents the reasons why your lender or loan servicer should consider your personal circumstances, allowing you to enter forbearance, deferment, a new payment plan or a loan forgiveness program that will help you return your account to good standing. A good hardship letter gives details of a job loss, divorce, medical issues, or other events out of the ordinary that inhibit your ability to pay the full amount due.

We will make sure your credit report accurately reflects you student loan debt and payment status. Once the loan default is resolved, we will make sure that your lender or loan servicer has accurately reported the loan details to credit-reporting bureaus, and corrected any inaccurate loan information that appears in your credit report.

Your rights will be protected. If we discover that your lender, loan servicer, or a third-party debt collector has taken actions against you that violate consumer protection laws, we will use every legal means required to address the situation. We can even file a lawsuit on your behalf if necessary.